Blog Collections

Left Behind — The Restored and Restorable

In today’s market, many people are concerned about having something on hand that will actually run if nothing else will — and this amounts to making sure something ‘pre-electronics’ is in the garage. Second: something functional. Something you can use to ha ul, move, use off-road or on, this connotes to something practical. For all intents […]

Collections MOBILE HOMES Tiny Homes


CHECK OUT OUR LATEST ADDITIONS! [NOTE: These are just now coming into inventory and they’re shown here for the convenience of those clients that have requested the opportunity to see them as they come in. They are NOT pristine here — but will be before they’re sold! Some, of course, can be purchase in AS-IS condition, […]

Blog Collections Story

About Collecting – GM’s Glory Days

Detroit ‘set the stage’ for the auto industry The beginnings of America’s love for the automobile led some people to collect every imaginable example of car and truck — Richard Oldham was one of those for whom collecting never lost its lustre. As the fabulous fifties and their iconic cars began to wind down and […]