Author: admin
1962 Marmon Harrington COE [Cab Over Engine] $ 15,000.00
One Of A Kind 1962 Marmon Harrington is, literally, the last — the only — one. Check out this article by truck and automobile historian Troy Miller Here’s an excerpt: The history of Marmon can be traced all the way back to the mid-1800s. Marmon began in 1851 as the Nordyke and Marmon Machine Company, […]
1963 Ford Galaxie Convertible
Hemmings’ Lineup of Galaxies shows the value of these cars continuing to climb.
SOLD – Ready for Restoration – 1935 Packard Hearse
This 1935 Packard Hearse was ready for complete restoration and was one of some of the classics released to auction as we work to empty the property. We miss the ‘old car’ people already and enjoyed immensely the years spent working to find homes for these amazing relics of yesteryear!
1967 Chevrolet Camaro Pro Street – KEITH BLACK
Just a few shots as the warehouse environment doesn’t give us much room to shoot but, trust us, it’s gorgeous and runs like a dream. Video
Hupp Helicopter
Hupp Helicopters were used as chase vehicles for returning space craft. This is a heavily damaged but still restorable Hupp Helicopter that would make a great body for a museum or a flight simulator! Gear Boxes and controls intact. Excellent parts piece. Priced to Sell at $10,000.00. The engine alone is worth that.