Cars Collector Car Collector Cars Convertibles Convertibles Ford Restored

1960 Edsel Ranger Convertible

  Edsel — from Wikipedia Edsel From Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 1958 Edsel Pacer Edsel was a make of car and a new car making division introduced by the Ford Motor Company on September 4, 1957. The company called that day, “E-Day.” It was named after Henry Ford’s son, Edsel Ford. The Edsel […]

Cars Ford Originals

1967 Ford Galaxie 2DHT Fastback

The lasting popularity of the Ford Galaxie series is a testimony in itself to the American auto makers of yesterday. The vast majority of buyers wanted style, functionality and rugged durability: not an easy combination! Enter the Galaxie. Here’s an excellent piece on this exemplary series of vehicles from hot cars.Com we’re sure you’ll enjoy! […]

Cars Ford Original Originals

1967 Ford Galaxie Fastback

The History of the Ford Galaxie The Ford Galaxie, first introduced in the late 1950s, received an all-new design entering the 1965 model year, becoming taller and bulkier than the previous year’s design, with vertically stacked dual headlights, new instrument panel, and a redesigned rear suspension. The new top-of-the-line trim designation was the Galaxie 500 LTD and Galaxie […]

Auction! Blog Cars Cars Collector Cars Hudsons Restorables

C: 1948-1950 Hudsons

These cars are rapidly disappearing from the American landscape, largely because so few were built and the company went out of business so long ago.  Long a favorite of collectors, most of those remaining are in the hands of people who collect for purposes of restoration.