Blog Collections Historically Significant National

Antique Collections in the News

Collectible cars are a passion shared by people from all walks of life and in countries throughout the world. The love of all things ‘mobile’ has brought the US to the forefront of everything for decades and, even though other nations have joined that veritable ‘sea’ of collector cars, those made in the US still […]


Who Drives [or Drove] What — and Why

    John Schneider’s Classic Ride: A Look At His Favorite Car ( Jim Morrison’s Dream Machine: The High-Octane Muscle Car That Captivated The American Singer ( John Schneider’s Classic Ride   James Darren’s Mercury Montclaire   Dean Martin’s Timeless Ride: The Classic Lincoln Continental   Eddie Van Halen’s Dream Machine: The Customized Truck That […]

Blog Collections

Left Behind — The Restored and Restorable

In today’s market, many people are concerned about having something on hand that will actually run if nothing else will — and this amounts to making sure something ‘pre-electronics’ is in the garage. Second: something functional. Something you can use to ha ul, move, use off-road or on, this connotes to something practical. For all intents […]

Collectible Collector Cars Kharman Ghia VW

1970s Karmann Ghia

  The online free source, Wikipedia, has a good amount of information about the VW Karmann Ghia. The tricky spelling and rather obscure origins of the early Karmann Ghia may have contributed to its rather unconventional rise in the marketplace, but in Germany, for instance, Karmann Ghias can bring upwardly of $50,000 USD and while […]

Blog Chevrolet Collectible Collector Cars Highly Valued/Desirable Rare/Unique

1958 Impala

  The following segment from Wikipedia provides a great deal of background information about th 1958 Impala — a highly prized version of the Chevrolet Impala series. Two door Impalas are considered both rare and desirable, lending an air of limited accessibility to the mix and bringing collectors to the table for the additional value […]